Fertilising Your Lawn This Summer

Grass needs food and water just like we do - if you want to grow up big and strong.

So, the one sure way to keep your lawn healthy this Summer is through proper fertilising, and PLENTY of water.

Fertiliser is a product that releases nutrients into the soil necessary for plant (in this case, grass) growth. They can be organic or inorganic (sometimes called mineral or chemical). Fertilisers may contain nutrients in differing quantities and rates of release can vary from instant to slow release over many months, they can also be applied as liquids or solids.

Organic fertilisers are made from the remains of plants and animals. For example, seaweed, blood and bone, and manures. Many of these can also be used as soil improvers before you lay new turf but should be used sparingly as they can contain a lot of phosphorus.

Inorganic fertilisers are manufactured for specific purposes so it is always best to read the label and make sure it is right for your lawn.

Before you fertilise

Good soil is the foundation of good grass. The soil holds the key to healthy grass growth and efficient use of precious resources, such as nutrients and water. Sandy soils do not hold nutrients, so when fertiliser is applied, most is lost.

When to fertilise

Generally, it is better to apply a little fertiliser during the warmer months, which makes now the perfect time. Feeding plants in winter or when rain is expected is a waste of time, as rain and over watering washes nutrients past the roots.

Keep in mind, lawns are commonly over fertilised. If the soil has been amended, only small amounts of fertiliser are required

Things to keep in mind

Most fertilisers come with recommended application rate on the packet. It is important to note that this is the maximum amount that should be applied.

For further advice on lawn care and maintenance this summer, contact your local expert at Sunshine Coast Mowers in Mooloolaba and Caloundra.